IMPACT Fellowship Students: Master of Educational Leadership

Brittany Aalto

Lincoln Elementary School, Lincoln Consolidated School District, Second Grade Teacher

  • Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education, University of Idaho, 2013
  • Master of Science Education, Curriculum and Instruction, Concordia University-Portland, 2017

Through the IMPACT Fellowship Program I hope to gain insight and strategies that will allow me to be a focused and knowledgeable agent of change in my district.

Stephanie Baker, Cohort 8

Stephanie Baker

Greenland High School, Greenland School District, Principal

  • Bachelor of Arts, Middle Level Education, Harding University, 2017

I am so excited to further my career in education through the IMPACT Fellowship. Throughout this program, I hope to gain a deeper knowledge of the education system while strengthening my leadership skills for use in my district.

Erica Box, Cohort 8

Erica Box

McGehee Elementary, McGehee School District, Third Grade Teacher

  • Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education, Southern Arkansas University, 2010

I look forward to collaborating with some of the best educators and leaders in the state! I hope to gain the skills that I know will be needed to be the best leader I can be, as well as learning new skills to enhance the education of all children in the state of Arkansas! I strive to live by the motto, EVERY KID… EVERY DAY!

James Copeland, Cohort 8

James Copeland

Marvell-Elaine High School, Marvell-Elaine School District, Teacher/Coach

  • Bachelor of Science, Middle-Level Education, Philander Smith College, 2014

I hope to gain the skill and knowledge needed to be an effective school leader and agent of change. I also hope to build lasting relationships and grow my professional network.

Britney Davis

Cedar Ridge Elementary, Cedar Ridge School District, Instructional Facilitator- Elementary (K-5)

  • Associate of Arts, General Education, University of Arkansas Community College at Batesville, 2005
  • Bachelor of Science, Mid-Level Education, Arkansas State University, 2008

As a fellow of IMPACT Arkansas, I hope to develop the skills and confidence necessary to become an effective and influential leader. I am grateful for this opportunity to grow and look forward to giving back to the students and community I serve.

Kaylan Ellis

Berryville Elementary School, Berryville School District, ESL Teacher- 2nd Grade

  • Bachor of Science, Elementary Education Lincoln University, 2003
  • Master of Science in Education: Reading and Literacy Specialization, Walden University, 2015

During the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship, I hope to gain meaningful leadership skills to become an effective leader that promotes positive change in school culture and improve student academic success. “ Every Day–Whatever it Takes!”

Jessica Gray

Paris High School, Paris School District, Agriculture Teacher

  • Bachelor of Science, Agriculture Education, University of Arkansas, 2005

I hope to learn strategies to become an educational leader. I hope to gain tools, resources and ideas to help better my school and community.

Meredith Jeter

Park Avenue Elementary School, Stuttgart School District, K-12 Dyslexia Coordinator

  • Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education, University of Arkansas Fayetteville 2013
  • Master of Arts in Teaching, University of Arkansas Fayetteville 2014

I hope to gain leadership skills that will help me better serve my district, school, and students.

Ben Jones

Pangburn School District, Pangburn High School, Dean of Students, Boy’s Basketball Coach

  • Associates of Arts in General Education, Central Baptist College, 2011
  • Bachelor of Science in Education, University of Central Arkansas, 2013

As a fellow of IMPACT Arkansas Cohort 8, I’m excited to gain skills necessary to be a change agent in our school district. I am grateful for the opportunity to increase knowledge on leadership and support our teachers in this evolving world.

DaLecia Jones

Pine Bluff School District, 7-12 Instructional Facilitator

  • Bachelor of Arts, English-Liberal Arts, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, 2017

I hope to experience opportunities to gain the necessary skills and knowledge to become a highly effective leader in Arkansas schools!

Marlie Kinard

Douglas MacArthur Junior High School, Jonesboro Public Schools, 9th Grade ELA Teacher/ELA Department Chair

  • Bachelor of Science, Mid-Level Education ELA/Social Studies, Arkansas State University, 2015

Through the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship I hope to gain the skills necessary to successfully lead a school. I hope to learn methods to support teachers through struggles and nurture their strengths.

Cassie King

Clarendon High School of Innovation, Clarendon School District, Secondary Teacher, District ESL Coordinator

  • Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education Williams Baptist University, 2007

As an IMPACT Arkansas Fellow I hope to become a transformational leader who strongly supports teachers, encourages students, and embraces community.

Sonja McKinney

Central High School, Helena-West Helena School District, Behavioral Interventionist

  • Bachelor of Science, Organizational Management, John Brown University, 2010
  • Master of Science Education, Career & Technical Education, Concordia University, 2016

I hope to gain the knowledge, tools, and strategies needed to lead students to greater scholastic achievement and the school faculty to teaching effectiveness and leadership empowerment.

Patricia Smith

Bismarck Middle School, Bismarck School District, Fifth Grade English Language Arts

  • Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education, University of South Florida

Through the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship, I hope to gain a network of Arkansas educators that I will have the opportunity to work with and develop the knowledge and skills to become a future leader in my school district.

Keri Standridge

Leslie Intermediate School, Searcy County School District, Fifth Grade English Language Arts

  • Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education, Arkansas Tech University, 2016

Through this experience, I hope to gain knowledge in a vast array of content to broaden my education which will allow me to become a better teacher and leader in my school district while establishing networks of resources and friendships that will nurture all Cohort 8 fellows.ed

Laura Starr Phillips

Laura Starr Phillips

JF Wahl Elementary, Helena West Helena School District, Assistant Principal

  • Bachelor of Arts, Early Childhood Education/SPED, University of Arkansas at Monticello, 2005
  • Master’s in Education, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 2007
  • Educational Specialist (Ed.S), Curriculum and Instruction, University of Arkansas at Fayetteville, 2012

Paula Thiel

Booneville Elementary School, Booneville School District, Third Grade Teacher

  • Bachelor of Science, Early Childhood Education, Arkansas Tech University, 2016

Through the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship, I hope to be challenged in my mindset, empowered in my strengths, and coached through my weaknesses. I hope to one day sit amongst my school leaders, as a leader myself, and contribute to the positive changes happening within my school building and district.

Crystal Thomas

Arkansas Middle School, Texarkana Arkansas School District, Eighth grade English Language Arts, Department Head

  • Bachelor of Science, emphasis in Occupational Therapy, University of Central Arkansas 2003
  • Masters of Arts in Teaching, 4-8 English, Math, Science and History, University of Central Arkansas 2012

Through the IMPACT Arkansas Fellowship program, I hope to gain the wisdom and skills necessary to promote and benefit teachers and students in rural, low-income school districts. I feel that the school-based, collaborative, and “hands-on” curricula and practices of this program is the most “impactful” way to redirect these districts toward success. I am excited, as well, by the prospect of mentoring and influencing other future, effective leaders.

Tamara Wiley

Brady Elementary, Little Rock School District, Second Grade Teacher

  • Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education, University of Nebraska at Kearney, 2005

Through my participation and involvement in IMPACT Arkansas, I hope to become more confident in the skills and leadership qualities that I possess. I also hope to connect with other effective leaders in my community that I can learn from, and grow to become an effective leader myself.

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